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The American Medical Association Statement Regarding Dry Needling

The AMA adopted a policy that said physical therapists and other non-physicians practicing dry needling should – at a minimum – have standards that are similar to the ones for training, certification and continuing education that exist for acupuncture.

Dr. Mick has completed over 5,500 hours of formal graduate education and supervised clinical training in dry needling (acupuncture) while completing both a Master's and Doctoral degree in the field of acupuncture (dry needling).

Please be aware that most physical therapists in the Huntsville area have less than 50 hours of training, often obtained in a brief weekend continuing education course. Most chiropractors in the region typically have 100 hours of training in acupuncture (dry needling) also obtained in an abbreviated continuing education. This dangerously limited training is not in line with Best Practices for dry needling and does not contribute to the safest and most effective care when administered by these other providers.

Dr, Mick's training and education far exceeds the minimum basic requirements for entry level practice of dry needling (acupuncture). As a patient you can find comfort and trust in knowing that he is the most highly trained and experienced practitioner of dry needling in the Huntsville region.

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(256) 701-3286

Monte Sano Healing Arts, PMA

3077 Leeman Ferry Rd.
Huntsville, AL 35801

Our wellness practice operates as a not for profit association

©2022  Monte Sano Healing Arts, PMA Huntsville, AL

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